Best Practices for the Splunk Load Balanced Destination
Cribl Stream and Cribl Edge can send data to Splunk in several different ways. This article focuses on the common scenario where you want to connect Cribl Stream’s Splunk Load Balanced Destination to many Splunk indexers at once. We’ll talk about Cribl Stream, but this applies to Cribl Edge, too. We’ll look at changing a…
Search Splunk Backups in place with Cribl Search
IT and Security administrators face a challenging balance: they need to store increasing amounts of data for compliance and auditing, yet must also manage their license and storage costs effectively. To navigate this, many Splunk administrators have developed strategies that involve swiftly rolling data from searchable…
Tuning Splunk Universal Forwarders to Send to Stream
While tuning isn’t strictly required, users may sometimes have trouble getting data into Stream from Splunk universal forwarders (UF). Usually this presents as a performance issue that results in the forwarders getting blocked by Stream. Why would you need to change anything on the UF when the forwarders can successfully…