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Secure Communication between CriblCloud Leader node and Hybrid Worker/ Edge nodes !!!

HT Posts: 20
edited January 14 in General Discussions


I would like to secure the communication between the Cribl managed Leader node and the Hybrid Workers and edge nodes currently located on Prem .

I understand that the communication between the Leader node and Hybrid Workers / Edge nodes is already encrypted ( port 443 ) . How are those entities being currently authenticated ? I can also see that the recommendation is to implement mutual authentication but not sure about the best way to go about it ?

Any advice would be be very much appreciated .

Thank You


  • Jon Rust
    Jon Rust Posts: 510 mod

    There is a token in the command you use to join an Edge node to the leader.

    No, mTLS is not best practice currently for worker→leader comms. In fact, I don't think mTLS is supported for Cribl Cloud Leaders at this point.

  • HT
    HT Posts: 20

    Thank you for the clarification

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