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What cribl internal fields are available to be used in route filters in pre processing packs?


I am re-factoring a lot of our code + workflow and trying to simplify stuff. I ran into this issue and I wanted to check with the community + cribl folks if they could give some guidance.

We have a few groups, some groups have an rsyslogd input configured. This is configured as "networkrsyslogd". As you can imagine we have networking gear sending out its events over.

I stood up a new "Pre-Processing-Pack" and I tried to use create a route filtering via the cribl internal field __inputId but alas this did not work, I further configured the above input to include a new field inputName="networkingsyslog" and further when I used this as as a filter in routes, things work.

That said, other than fields that are emitted by the source, what cribl internal fields can I use for filtering purposes? I thought logically this should have been stamped on the events as soon as it hits stream or edge, but doesn't look like it does.

Thank you!


  • Jon Rust
    Jon Rust Posts: 485 mod

    If you capture sample data, in the capture window you can hit the 3 dots on the right side of the window and "show internal fields." Every internal field is available in expressions, filters, etc.

  • Hey Jon,

    Thank you for responding. Unfortunately the __internalID is not respected in route filters.


  • Govardhanen Gopal
    Govardhanen Gopal Posts: 19
    edited April 2024

    Hey Jon,

    I am unable to edit the prior comment which had a typo in it. I confirmed that the cribl internal fields(__inputId & __srcIpPort) are not stamped on an event when it its the "Pre routing pipeline". The funny thing is if I introduce my own internal field or field that does get stamped before hitting the "Pre routing pipeline".

    I also tried doing creating this new field and the field myInternalId just gets set to 'NOTHING_FOUND'. Please give it a shot in one of your instances and you will see the same behavior. It would be great if the cribl internal fields inputId & srcIpPort AND others are stamped on events as soon as it hits the app.

    myInternalId : __e['__inputId'] ? __e['_inputId'] : 'NOTHING_FOUND'


  • Jon Rust
    Jon Rust Posts: 485 mod

    __inputId and others should be available at any stage of the event life. However, be aware that in the case of using CriblTCP or CriblHTTP to send data in a Cribl→Cribl situation, as with Edge for example, the original values will be put into an object named __forwardedAttrs

    See the docs for more info: https://docs.cribl.io/stream/sources-cribl-tcp/#internal-fields