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What value would Stream provide to someone who has logstash for routing/transforming?

So, this question has been bothering me for quite some time now. While I am a big fan of Cribl and I really enjoy working with their products and showing/explaining them to others I still wonder every now and then what value Stream would provide to a customer, who already has a well-maintained and functioning logstash for routing/transforming data.

If I think about it the following points come to my mind, but if someone here has more/different reasons I would be glad to hear them!

  • Stream's replay function
  • Scalability
    • Logstash works as a single instance, Cribl can be clustered to infinity
  • Stream is easier to maintain
    • No grepping around in config files for that one transformation command you need to change
    • Pipelines are easier to understand/maintain than logstash files
    • Less complex to get started with for new users/admins
  • Visualization of data flows
  • "Debuggability"
    • Being able to look into arriving/leaving data from within the tool without having to restart anything or using tcpdump is incredibly helpful
  • (My favourite point) Speed of Development
    • Capturing real log data and storing it for future use to replay over and over again to improve a pipeline was such a game changer to me.
    • Being able to see the changes you make to data through pipelines in real-time, without having to restart agents

Best Answer

  • Raanan Dagan
    Raanan Dagan Posts: 101 mod
    Answer ✓

    Overall, I would go after these use cases:
    Build configurations manually (logstash) vs out of the box solution (Cribl)
    Reduction use cases (Suppress, Sample, Drop, log to metrics)
    Replay historical data
    Enrich with Lookup
    Reshape for Elastic SIEM



  • Raanan Dagan
    Raanan Dagan Posts: 101 mod
    Answer ✓

    Overall, I would go after these use cases:
    Build configurations manually (logstash) vs out of the box solution (Cribl)
    Reduction use cases (Suppress, Sample, Drop, log to metrics)
    Replay historical data
    Enrich with Lookup
    Reshape for Elastic SIEM
