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October 10th, 2023 Meeting Recap

The Global User Group meeting was held on October 10th, 2023 at 10am US/Pacific. I got to host the meeting this month. This months meeting we will be learning from @Ralph No. as he shows us how to get more observability using free solutions. The title of this month's meeting is (Mini) Photovoltaic Observability Smart Home Helpers. Ralph shares how he monitors his "Balcony power plant", or known as a small photovoltaic system. Some of the tools he uses is the Cribl Cloud Free Tier (https://cribl.io/cribl-cloud/), Humio, and Google products. After Ralph's amazing presentation, I talked about what is Cribl Curious. We currently have 4 users that have achieved the Level 2 status (Goat Grazer) and 1 that has earned the level 3 status (Mountain Climber). We will be having a double point week October 30th to November 5th.