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Does anyone know if the MinIO destination in Cribl Stream supports virtual hosting style addressing?


Does anyone know if the MinIO destination in Cribl Stream supports virtual hosting style addressing? In my experience it only seems to support path-style addressing which was deprecated by AWS in 2020.

Best Answer

  • Kyle McCririe
    Kyle McCririe Posts: 29 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Based upon looking at the UI settings it looks like we only support path-style addressing, as we require the bucket name to be specified in a separate field. We likely append this to the end of the MinIO Endpoint. So having the bucket at the beginning of the MinIO Endpoint would not work.


  • Kyle McCririe
    Kyle McCririe Posts: 29 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    Based upon looking at the UI settings it looks like we only support path-style addressing, as we require the bucket name to be specified in a separate field. We likely append this to the end of the MinIO Endpoint. So having the bucket at the beginning of the MinIO Endpoint would not work.