Location of the Cribl Edge local application logs stored on Windows?

Best Answer
yeah, cribl/local/_system
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{"time":"2023-05-24T14:54:57.766Z","cid":"api","channel":"output:DistWorker","level":"warn","message":"sending is blocked","since":1684933589,"elapsed":6508,"endpoint":{"host":"main-nifty-pare-sft24jp.cribl.cloud","port":4200,"tls":true,"rejectUnauthorized":false}}
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any idea if that implies the local system is preventing or remote? kind of terse
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output on 4200?
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4200 is for management comms only
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either we got some bad logging, or something is not right in the configs
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that should be edge node to leader communication, right?
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can you share instance.yaml?
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that under programdata?
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yeah, cribl/local/_system
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that looks correct, i'll go bug the our "firewall experts"
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In Windows land, using powershell, you can test net connectivity: `Test-NetConnection host -p port`