Rest Collector with/without discovery results inconsistent
Posts: 21 ✭
I am trying to pull event data from a remote location with http rest collector.
It requires 2 stages to pull the data.
Discovery will pull an array of job id's (and details).
Collection will pull the results of each job from the array.
When I set the collector up for discovery, I get the correct information including the ID.
Using this id variable in the collection url I only get 1 event per id. If I hard code this id in the url AND disable collection, I get all events for that job.
The throughput looks ok.
But the capture window only captured 2 events. 1 from each job id.
Best Answer
Disregard. I made 0 changes and it now works as expected. Bugs in the matrix.
Disregard. I made 0 changes and it now works as expected. Bugs in the matrix.