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How can I troubleshoot a cribl destination (Splunk HEC) not sending data?

Hello. How can I troubleshoot a cribl destination (Splunk HEC) not sending data? destination is seen live/green check, but no data flowing per tcpdump on source or destination. this goes out through a router and same data arriving in the main index correctly but want in a separate one. curl from cribl to splunk works (`curl -vk https://172.16.x.y:8088/services/collector/event -H 'Authorization: Splunk TOKEN' -d '{"event":"test"}'`) Thanks


  • Jon Rust
    Jon Rust Posts: 508 mod

    my first step would be to send to `nc` running on a local host and interrogate the actual payload

  • Trying that but I suspect that I will get nothing. Destination out traffic charts are at 0. Not sure if rules order matter in router destination but tried to change those as I have few disabled one/set false.

  • For now, not getting expected data. If using destination Test option, I get it in tcpdump and splunk. I would think the problem is likely not in destination but before. But not sure why as the main routing is working and not this one.

  • Jon Rust
    Jon Rust Posts: 508 mod

    Running the test from within the HEC destination doesn't involve routing in any way

  • yes and this part is working. so that means destination is configured fine, right? in this case, problem is earlier

  • strangely after switching back localhost to splunk system, now, I have got data in tcdpump 8088 but strange correct/incorrect marking... all in aws network

  • but no data in splunk UI

  • Jon Rust
    Jon Rust Posts: 508 mod

    the test function should produce data in splunk, if you specify the correct index

  • Jon Rust
    Jon Rust Posts: 508 mod

    fix that first. then tackle routing config

  • Ok. got it. that was the router "final" option check. now got it in splunk

  • Thanks