I need to drop computer account name ending with $ sign

I need to drop computer account name ending with $ sign, the Drop function is not recognizing it any suggestion for alternate way of dropping all "computer-name$" ??
You're aware that the Drop function drops the whole event?
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Yes, i want to drop such whole event meeting filter as shown in screenshot
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Try to wrap the $ in double quotes
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the problem is that the filter is not meeting --- i need to match with all Account_Name fields which ends with $ i.e. all computer account
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i did the "$" did not work
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Oh wait, Account_Name is not a string but a list
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another observation is that Acccount_Name field has 2 values as shown in the first screenshot
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Add a [0] after Account_Name
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can you show me that with screenshot of the exact syntax
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No, I'm on mobile phone
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Do you want to remove the values that contain a $ at the end of the array element? What if the second value contains the $? Or are you looking to drop the entire event if any of the values in the array end with a $?
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The Account_Name.includes('$') will simply check if $ exists anywhere in only the first item in the array, i.e. Account_Name[0]. What if it is Account_Name[1], etc.?
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My understanding was that if the Account Name has a $, all values have it
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Thought I would get fancy...
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TIL about bind and !!
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Here Account_Name would have a `-` and `SETEST$`
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I've checked some Windows events now. We see array with 2 Values on Specific events like 4703 where there is Account Name under 'Subject' and Under 'Target Account
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the pack that transforms classic to JSON, puts both value under Account_Name
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Yes, those are sample events I include with the pack, but some real events show that Account_Name can have two different values, and they are not always the same, sometimes one value is `-` and another ends with `$`, etc.
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