Trying to a SED like search and replace?

[SOLVED] Hello, I have a few events which contain a raw field with multiple [
]'s. I'd like to replace all occurances with " ". I tried in a Eval function: _raw=_raw.replace(/[
]+/, " "). This works for the first occurance, but not the others. I also tried with replaceAll, but that just crossed out the entire field. Is there a simple way to just do a SED like search and replace?
The Mask function is what I'd look at
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Hi, thank you. I just tried Mask, but I don't see a way to make it match all instances for the carriage return. It again just replaces the first.
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In the Regex field, there are flags on the right side
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Enable the g flag for global
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ah very nice thank you. This works perfectly for literal strings. But when I put [
] there the output goes completely white
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with global set
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without global the first instance is replaced sucessfully
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That is strange and shouldn't happen...
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just to be sure I copied the raw event in notepad++ to verify the carriage returns; they're there. hmm
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oh I know the problem
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Try replacing it with € instead of space
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Just to see how many it spits out
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one should remove the filter with which one identtifeid the multiple carriage retunrs
with the filter gone, it works perfectly! thanks again
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Oh lol
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You mean there were zero events
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I assumed only _raw was empty afterwards
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yup all good now! thanks again!