Is there a way to move a worker to another group via GUI?

Is there a way to move a worker to another group via GUI? And when not, why not?!
Example :slightly_smiling_face:
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Thank you both! Found another solution by accessing the worker UI its possible to change the default group. After restarting the worker is in this group. But no way to manually move multiple workers in another group (except with the mapping).
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No other method is needed on the leader side because that's what the mapping is for. Mapping Order of Priority Priority for mapping to a group is as follows: Mapping Rules > Group sent by Worker > `default` Group. » If a Filter matches, use that Group. » Else, if a Worker has a Group defined, use that. » Else, map to the `default` Group.
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Friendly reminder that if you move a node to a new group or remove one, remember to update your load balancer config.
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What would you have to update on your load balancer config if the server names and IPs remain the same? Does it have to do with the health collector checks?