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Using REST Collector source, is there a way to mark the each event from which URL it was retrieved

Using REST Collector source and putting multiple URLs in the collect URL field, is there a way to mark the each event from which URL it was retrieved

Best Answer

  • Jon Rust
    Jon Rust Posts: 485 mod
    Answer ✓

    You can use the discover option, choose list

    the id will be available in the event as __collectible.id


  • Oliver Hoppe
    Oliver Hoppe Posts: 50 ✭✭

    Could you please elaborate a bit? A single REST Collector supports only one URL at a time as far as I am aware. A collector run adds multiple internal fields that you can use to identify different details. Please see the screenshot attached.
     For example the URL that was used to retrieve an event is available in __collectStats.url

  • noura ali
    noura ali Posts: 4

    i am trying to create one REST collector to collect REST data from 2 endpoints:

    1. https://x/public/api/admin/users/
    2. https://y/public/api/admin/users/

    So i created a REST Collector with configuration as attached.
    However, the field __collectStats.url seems to be not existing (attached).

  • Oliver Hoppe
    Oliver Hoppe Posts: 50 ✭✭

    I am pretty sure that you will need 2 collectors. One for each URL. Happy to test that later.

  • Jon Rust
    Jon Rust Posts: 485 mod
    Answer ✓

    You can use the discover option, choose list

    the id will be available in the event as __collectible.id