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Splunk destination health not matching individual worker node health in destination

Why is my Splunk destination showing unhealthy when the individual workers are showing a green healthy status?

Best Answer

  • Brian Yearwood
    Brian Yearwood Posts: 15 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    There are a couple of Cribl BUG that are contributing to this behaviour.

    The monitoring dashboard for destinations is showing the health from the earliest timestamp of the range, instead of the latest. This means, with a 1h time selection, the health status is delayed by an hour.

    The Health metrics were disabled due to a performance issue with the GUI when the numbers of workers exceed 50+ workers as per CRIBL-17756 and on the destination page we default to the warning status.


  • Brian Yearwood
    Brian Yearwood Posts: 15 ✭✭
    Answer ✓

    There are a couple of Cribl BUG that are contributing to this behaviour.

    The monitoring dashboard for destinations is showing the health from the earliest timestamp of the range, instead of the latest. This means, with a 1h time selection, the health status is delayed by an hour.

    The Health metrics were disabled due to a performance issue with the GUI when the numbers of workers exceed 50+ workers as per CRIBL-17756 and on the destination page we default to the warning status.

  • Brandon McCombs
    Brandon McCombs Posts: 150 mod

    Thanks! I look forward to the fixes!

  • Brian Yearwood
    Brian Yearwood Posts: 15 ✭✭

    CRIBL-18868: Has been fixed in v4.4.2

    CRIBL-12259: Has been fixed in v4.3.0