Getting "Forbidden" when generating a bearer token for GitOps sync

I’m really having a hard time with the GitOps sync. I’ve repeatedly followed the steps to generate a bearer token and am always getting “Forbidden” when I attempt to make the production leader sync. This has worked in the past.
mkdir -p ~/.auth curl http://<Leader-URL-or-IP>:9000/api/v1/auth/login -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d "{\"username\":\"<username>\",\"password\":\"<password>\"}" 2>/dev/null | jq -r .token > ~/.auth/token export JWT_AUTH_TOKEN=`cat ~/.auth/token` export AUTH_HEAD="Authorization:Bearer `cat ~/.auth/token`" curl -X POST "http://<Leader-URL-or-IP>:9000/api/v1/version/sync" -H "accept: application/json" -H "${AUTH_HEAD}" -d "ref=prod&deploy=true"
Any suggestions?
Best Answer
All, spoke with eng about this, there is a fix coming in 4.2.2. Unfortunately it is not a policy update we can make. The sync endpoint will be unblocked in the next release timed for next week. @Joshua Cook working on a plan for you in the interim
Also filed a story for ensuring that AD users can pull bearer tokens and use the APIs0
One other note, I started really having trouble with this after upgrading to 4.2.1
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This may be an issue with auth role changes in the most recent release due to our auth model changing. I’ll verify and get back to you soon.
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For clarity, which role does the user have that is generating the bearer token?
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I’m currently falling back to a local admin user to generate the bearer token
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Which role were you using before?
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Same one
Same account, I mean
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Was the role admin on both accounts?
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I mean in both instances
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In this case, I used the same account which has the admin roleIt worked before upgrading to 4.2.1
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No worries. I’ll be at my laptop in about an hour. Want to grab some time?
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Now I can’t get it to work
I’d love some help, yes!
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Still 7:30am where I am. Will ping you as soon as I’m fully online.
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Sounds great!
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for this thread: the sync endpoint is returning forbidden for a local user with admin permissions. We tested this via the API tool in the prod environment UI (thanks Joshua for the time)
Joshua also showed me that AD users are unable to fetch tokens so will file something for that to take a look
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Support / bug .. that makes sense
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All, spoke with eng about this, there is a fix coming in 4.2.2. Unfortunately it is not a policy update we can make. The sync endpoint will be unblocked in the next release timed for next week. @Joshua Cook working on a plan for you in the interim
Also filed a story for ensuring that AD users can pull bearer tokens and use the APIs0