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Session - A Data Engineers Journey to Modernizing with Cribl

Tony Reinke - Cribl
Tony Reinke - Cribl Posts: 134 admin
edited July 2023 in Social Groups

A Data Engineers Journey to Modernizing with Cribl

Terry Mulligan, Consultant, Discovered Intelligence
Terry Mulligan is a consultant with 30 years of experience in IT management and operations. Since joining Discovered Intelligence, he has specialized in Splunk data engineering and, for the last year, has been working to integrate Cribl into the onboarding process to enhance core tools and operational intelligence for teams focusing on security.

Data engineering can be painful, time consuming and complicated. It requires working with data of all types, shapes and transport methods. The good news is, Cribl is here! On our journey we have seen it all, and learned a lot along the way, while migrating a large, diverse, set of data sources from legacy ingestion methods to Cribl. In this session, we will share the challenges encountered, lessons learned, best practices we adopted and things we just simply wish we knew from the start. Sit back and let us share with you our journey to modernizing data engineering using Cribl.

What you'll be able to do after attending:
Attendees will walk away from this session with a better understanding of how to modernize common data engineering practices on Cribl. We will share stories, tips, tricks and best practices for making the migration to Cribl much easier and ultimately much more successful.

All Skill levels
30 minutes
