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New Release - v.4.1.1 of Stream, Edge, and Search | v1.3.2 of AppScope

Tony Reinke - Cribl
Tony Reinke - Cribl Posts: 134 admin
edited May 2023 in General Discussions

I'm here to give you the 411 on new features of v.4.1.1 with updates to Stream, Edge, Search, and AppScope. Remember, this is just the new feature list, so, it is kind of a big deal. 

Stream (release notes):

  • This release provides the following improvements: Introducing Stream Projects (Beta). This feature enables Cribl admins to create isolated spaces for teams and users to share and manage their data.
  • New native MSK (Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka) Source and Destination support accessing Kafka topics via IAM roles.
  • The Mask Function now supports toggling individual Masking Rules on and off, to enable iterative development and debugging. It also now supports the SHA512 hash algorithm.
  • The Redis Function now supports mutual TLS.
  • Destinations' Post-Processing > System fields can now include cribl_route, identifying data's path through a given Route or QuickConnect.
  • Cribl.Cloud users on all plans can now generate diagnostic bundles and send them to Cribl Support, directly from Stream's Global Settings.

 Edge (release notes):

  • CRIBL-16549 The Windows Event Logs Source now provides a configurable Max event bytes limit.

 Search (release notes):

  • The setup for searching from a Cribl Stream Data Lake Amazon S3 Destination is now easier. You'll have a list of Stream Destinations to choose from that Search uses to automatically populate your AWS credentials and bucket path when configuring a dataset provider and dataset.
  • A new render operator allows you to easily display results on the Chart tab and take advantage of all the visualization settings available.
  • We've added two new aggregation functions, list and values, to help you gain deeper insights into your data.
  • values – returns all the distinct values of a field, making it easy for you to identify and understand the various values that exist in your data.
  • list – returns the list of values of a field, allowing you to quickly access all the values associated with that field.

 AppScope (change log):

Excited to get going? Cribl v4.1.1 and AppScope v1.3.2 is now available on our website.  https://cribl.io/download/