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Can I do a revert back from the CLI in Stream to force it to a good version?

Erin Sweeney
Erin Sweeney Posts: 45 admin

Had a situation where someone added a bunch of files for an upgrade that was committed on the leader node but not deployed. I want to revert back but the UI is broken for this. Can I do a revert back from the cli to force it to a good version?

Best Answer

  • Brendan Dalpe
    Brendan Dalpe Posts: 201 mod
    Answer ✓

    First, stop Cribl Stream. Inside $CRIBL_HOME (Usually /opt/cribl) you can run git revert ... (Git - git-revert Documentation) back to the commit id you want. Then start Cribl Stream and commit/deploy as normal.

    Note: If you need to get the commit IDs, you can run this command: git log.


  • Brendan Dalpe
    Brendan Dalpe Posts: 201 mod
    Answer ✓

    First, stop Cribl Stream. Inside $CRIBL_HOME (Usually /opt/cribl) you can run git revert ... (Git - git-revert Documentation) back to the commit id you want. Then start Cribl Stream and commit/deploy as normal.

    Note: If you need to get the commit IDs, you can run this command: git log.