Microsoft Graph API Collection

The Microsoft Graph API provides access to data in the Microsoft Cloud. This page explains how to configure a Cribl Stream REST/API Collector to ingest data using the Microsoft Graph API.

Before you start, you’ll need to do the following in the Azure portal:

  • Register the app you’ll use to interact with Graph API.
  • Generate a Client Secret for the app.
  • Write down the Application ID, Tenant ID, and Secret Value defined for the app.
  • Decide which API calls you expect to use, then, for each of those API calls:
    • Configure the corresponding API permissions for your app.
    • Examine how the Graph API structures events, and decide whether you want to change that structure using an Event Breaker.

For example, if you plan to call the Audit Logs API (as demonstrated in this walkthrough), do the following: <!– anything rebranded in the URL above? ->

  • Configure your app with AuditLog.Read.All API permissions, which Audit Logs API calls require.
  • Notice that the API structures Microsoft Entra ID Audit Logs data as a single JSON object with events nested under the value field. With an Event Breaker, you can split this into individual events for each AD Audit Log activity.

How the REST Collector Interacts with Microsoft APIs

To retrieve data using the Microsoft Graph API, your Collector first obtains a Bearer token by sending an HTTP POST request to the Microsoft identity platform. Once it has the Bearer token, your Collector can send an HTTP GET request to the Graph API, which responds with the data you requested. Configuring your Collector will be more intuitive if you keep this pattern in mind.

Configuring a Graph API REST Collector

From a Cribl Stream instance’s or Group’s Manage submenu, select Data > Sources, then select Collectors > REST from the Manage Sources page’s tiles or left nav. Click New Collector to open the REST > New Collector modal, which provides the following options and fields.

The sections described below are spread across several tabs. Click the tab links to navigate among tabs. Click Save when you’ve configured your Collector.

Collector Settings

These settings determine how data is collected before processing.

Collector ID: Unique ID for this Collector. Such as ms_graph_42.

Collect Settings

Collect URL: An expression that produces a URL for the collect operation. The URL can be any of the Graph API endpoints. In this example, we want to retrieve Microsoft Entra ID Audit logs, so we use the Audit Logs endpoint:


Collect method: GET.

Collect headers: Add the following header.

  • Name: content-type.
  • Value: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

To authenticate against the Microsoft Graph API, the REST Collector uses a POST call whose body is a template. The content-type header tells the Graph API that the template is a URL-encoded (not JSON-encoded) form. See Authentication Settings > POST body below.

Authentication Settings

Use the Authentication method buttons to select Login, then enter the following information:

  • Username: The Application (Client) ID listed on your app’s Overview page in Azure.
  • Password: The Secret Value listed on your app’s Certificate & Secret page in Azure.
  • Login URL: The token API endpoint for the Microsoft identity platform. Use the string: `<tenant_id>/oauth2/v2.0/token`, substituting your Microsoft Entra ID tenant ID for <tenant_id>.
  • A POST body template for the token request that the Collector sends to the Microsoft identity platform. Use the string: `client_secret=${password}&scope=${username}&grant_type=client_credentials`. When the Collector sends the request, it will populate the template with the Username and Password that you entered above.
  • The Token attribute is the field that contains the Bearer token, within the Microsoft identity platform’s response to the token request. Use access_token.
  • The Authorize expression is a JavaScript expression that computes the Authorization header the Collector uses in calls to the Graph API. Use `Bearer ${token}`. The Collector will populate the ${token} variable with the token obtained from the Microsoft identity platform.

Result Settings

As explained above, the Microsoft Graph API delivers Microsoft Entra ID Audit Logs data as a single JSON object, with events nested under the value field. Cribl recommends using an Event Breaker to split this into separate name/value pairs.

You’ll create the Event Breaker in the Result Settings > Event Breakers tab. But first, you must save a sample file, and create a ruleset for the Event Breaker to use.

Saving a Sample File

On the Manage REST Collectors page, click Run beside the REST Collector you configured. This opens the Run configuration modal, in Preview mode. Click Run to open the Capture Sample Data modal.

When data appears, notice that it’s a large JSON object with multiple events nested under the value field:

Audit Logs data in original form
Audit Logs data in original form

Click Save as Sample File and note the file name and location.

Creating an Event Breaker Ruleset

From the top menu, open Processing > Knowledge > Event Breaker Rules, then click New Ruleset to open the New Ruleset modal. Enter an ID and a Description for the ruleset, then click Rules > Add Rule to open the Rules modal.

Here’s what we want the ruleset to do:

  1. Remove the leading @odata.context statement. For this example, we’ll assume that OData is not important for your use case.
  2. Structure each of the fields nested within the value element as a separate event, where the value of the activityDateTime field becomes the value of the _timestamp field.

Name the ruleset, then:

  • From the Event Breaker type drop-down, choose JSON Array. This detects that the value element is a JSON array, and breaks it into key-value pairs. It also discards the @odata.context element, because that falls outside the detected JSON array.

  • In the Timestamp anchor field, enter activityDateTime between the slashes.

  • Upload your sample file.

  • Compare the In and Out panes. You should see output similar to this:

    Audit Logs data broken into individual events
    Audit Logs data broken into individual events
  • Click OK to return to the New Ruleset modal.

  • You should see a result similar to the screenshot below. Click Save.

Creating an Event Breaker ruleset for Audit Logs data
Creating an Event Breaker ruleset for Audit Logs data

Event Breakers

In the Collector’s Result Settings > Event Breakers tab:

  • From the Event Breakers drop-down, select the ruleset that you created and saved.
  • Click Save.

Run the Collector again. Now you should see an individual JSON-formatted event for each AD Audit Log activity.

Audit Logs data from the finished Collector
Audit Logs data from the finished Collector