
The Suppress Function suppresses events over a time period, based on evaluating a key expression.

Each Worker Process executes this Function independently on its share of events. For details, see Functions and Shared-Nothing Architecture.


Filter: Filter expression (JS) that selects data to feed through the Function. Defaults to true, meaning it evaluates all events.

Description: Simple description of this Function. Defaults to empty.

Final: If toggled to Yes, stops feeding data to the downstream Functions. Defaults to No.

Key expression: Suppression key expression used to uniquely identify events to suppress. For example, `${ip}:${port}` will use the fields ip and port from each event to generate the key.

Number to allow: The number of events to allow per time period. Defaults to 1.

Suppression period (sec): The number of seconds to suppress events after ‘Number to allow’ events are received. Defaults to 300.

Drop suppressed events: Specifies if suppressed events should be dropped, or just tagged with suppress=1. Defaults to Yes, meaning drop.

Advanced Settings

Maximum cache size: The maximum number of keys that can be cached before idle entries are removed. Before changing the default 50000, contact Cribl Support to understand the implications.

Suppression period timeout: The number of suppression periods of inactivity before a cache entry is considered idle. This defines a multiple of the Suppression period (sec) value. Before changing the default 2, contact Cribl Support to understand the implications.

Num events to trigger cache clean-up: Check cache for idle sessions every N events when cache size exceeds the Maximum cache size. Before changing the default 10000, contact Cribl Support to understand the implications.

Seeing the Results

If you’ve enabled Drop suppressed events, such events will be omitted from logs as they exit this Function. However, the next event allowed through will include a suppressCount: N field, whose N value indicates the number of events dropped in the preceding Suppression period.

suppressCount shows number of events dropped
suppressCount shows number of events dropped


In the examples below, Filter is the Function-level Filter expression:

  1. Suppress by the value of the host field: Filter: true Key expression: host Number to allow: 1 Suppression period (sec): 30
    Using a datagen sample as a source, generate at least 100 events over 2 minutes.

Result: One event per unique host value will be allowed in every 30s. Events without a host field will not be suppressed.

  1. Suppress by the value of the host and port tuple : Filter: true Key expression: `${host}:${port}` Number to allow: 1 Suppression period (sec): 300

Result: One event per unique host:port tuple value will be allowed in every 300s.

Suppression will also apply to events without a host or a port field. The reason is that if field is not present, `${field}` results in the literal undefined.

  1. To guarantee that suppression applies only to events with host and port, check for their presence using a Filter: Filter: host && port!=null Key expression: `${host}:${port}` Number to allow: 1 Suppression period (sec): 300

  2. Decorate events that qualify for suppression: Filter: true Key expression: `${host}:${port}` Number to allow: 1 Suppression period (sec): 300 Drop suppressed events: No

Result: No events will be suppressed. But all qualifying events will gain an added field suppress=1, which can be used downstream to further transform these events.

For further use cases, see Cribl’s Streaming Data Deduplication with Cribl blog post. For further details on filter usage, see Filters.