v.4.4 Release

November 8, 2023 · 4 min read
Michael Katz
Staff Technical Writer

2023-11-08 - Cribl Stream 4.4 | GA Release | Edge 4.4 release notes are here.

For our November release, Stream moves forward with a new Azure (ADX) Destination. You’ll find enhancements to several other integrations, and a bushel of other new options and fixes. We’ve also upgraded to Node 18.15/​OpenSSL 3.0, and we’ve added guardrails to help you control persistent queues’ disk footprint.

New Features

This release provides the following improvements:

New Azure Data Explorer (ADX) native Destination enables sending security and observability data directly to ADX. This integration enables sending data to Azure Data Explorer customer tables as well as Cribl’s supported native tables.

System Metrics Source now supports configuring Process Metrics reports, filtered by one or more running processes.

New C.Decode.inflate and C.Encode.deflate expressions are available to handle data types like intercepted SAML logs.

Elasticsearch Destination now supports updating datasets via the index Write action. This enables replacing events in legacy indexes, which do not support Elastic DataStreams’ create action.

Monitoring > Logs page provides a new Export Logs as JSON button.

The Cribl product suite’s underlying Node.js version has been upgraded to 18.15.0, including support for OpenSSL 3.0. Cribl now recommends using OpenSSL 3.0, as OpenSSL’s most secure and actively supported version.

Persistent Queues Configuration Changes

CRIBL-18456 When you upgrade customer-managed (on-prem) and hybrid Groups to Cribl Stream 4.4 and later, any undefined PQ Max queue size values in pre-4.4 Source/Destination configs will be set to the new 5 GB default value. This is a guardrail to control queues’ consumption of host machines’ disk space.

(Changes here do not affect any existing config with a defined Max queue size, and do not affect Cribl-managed Cloud Workers’ nonconfigurable 1 GB Max queue size.)

Adjust this default to match your needs. If some of your integrations’ persistent queues had an undefined Max queue size, queues larger than 5 GB will trigger PQ fallback behavior until you resize this limit.

Also in Cribl Stream 4.4 and later, this field’s highest accepted value is defined in the new Group Settings > General Settings > Limits > Storage > Max PQ size per Worker Process field. The corresponding limits.yml key is maxPQSize. Consult Cribl Support before increasing that limit’s 1 TB default.


This release includes the following fixes:

Access Control Fixes

CRIBL-20472 Members page no longer displays SSO users as Unknown Unknown.

Sources and Destinations Fixes

CRIBL-19530 File Monitor Source’s new Force text format config option supports collecting and displaying binary file contents (such as /var/log/audit/audit.log) as text in events.

CRIBL-20861 Corrected File Monitor Source’s collection of duplicate events.

CRIBL-20069 S3-related integrations now warn before accepting S3 bucket names containing invalid characters.

CRIBL-20571 Destinations now correctly log, rather than replaying, events whose fields mismatch the Parquet schema.

CRIBL-16217 File-based Destinations no longer throw incrementing errors caused by Parquet events not flushing from staging directories.

CRIBL-14628 Webhook Destination now supports sending data in a wrapper object.

CRIBL-20364 Corrected failures to send nested arrays to Splunk receivers via S2S v4.

Processing and Functional Fixes

CRIBL-18899 Diag bundles now include git log for past 14 days, unless excluded via new UI toggle or CLI-g option.

CRIBL-20845 Inserting new comments in a Route’s Manage as JSON editor no longer deletes existing comments.

CRIBL-16639 The Stream Projects UI now disallows removal of the DevNull Destination. This ensures that at least one Destination will always remain available to terminate data flow.

CRIBL-12118 Functions’ key-value tables now support displaying warnings and errors per individual row.

Persistent Queues Fix

CRIBL-19041 Corrected unintended triggering of persistent queue Notifications.

Monitoring and UX/UI Fixes

CRIBL-20149 Corrected Monitoring > Flows page’s whimsical Sankey is a DAG, the original data has cycle! error. All your data are belong to Flows, again!

CRIBL-19265 Preview/Sample Data pane > OUT tab no longer incorrectly renders null values as added/modified fields.

CRIBL-19692 Corrected Preview Full option’s failure to Send out data to Destinations.

CRIBL-17781 Workers tab’s Config Version column now displays 8 characters per Worker, rather than 7.