Regex Extract

The Regex Extract Function extracts fields using named capture groups. (In Splunk, these will be index-time fields). Fields that start with __ (double underscore) are special in Cribl Stream. They are ephemeral: they can be used by any Function downstream, but will not be added to events, and will not exit the Pipeline.


Filter: Filter expression (JS) that selects data to feed through the Function. Defaults to true, meaning it evaluates all events.

Description: Simple description of the Function. Defaults to empty.

Final: If toggled to Yes, stops feeding data to the downstream Functions. Defaults to No.

Regex: Regex literal. Must contain named capturing groups: (?<foo>bar). Can contain special _NAME_N and _VALUE_N capturing groups, which extract both the name and value of a field: (?<_NAME_0>[^\s=]+)=(?<_VALUE_0>[^\s]+). Defaults to empty. See Examples below.

Additional regex: Click Add Regex to chain extra regex conditions.

Source field: Field on which to perform regex field extraction. Nested addressing is supported. Defaults to _raw.

Overwrite existing fields: Whether to overwrite existing event fields with extracted values. If set to No (the default), existing fields will be converted to an array. If toggled to Yes, Regex Extract will create array fields if applied multiple times, or if fields exist. For example, if src_ip is extracted in an input Pipeline where it is assigned a value of, and is also in a processing Pipeline with a value of, then the resulting field is ["", ""].

Advanced Settings

Max exec: The maximum number of times to apply the Regex to the source field when the global flag is set, or when using _NAME_N and _VALUE_N capturing groups. Named capturing groups will always use a value of 1. Defaults to 100.

Field name format expression: JavaScript expression to format field names when _NAME_n and _VALUE_n capturing groups are used. For example, to append XX to all field names, use: `${name}_XX` (backticks are literal). If not specified, names will be sanitized using regex: /^[_0-9]+|[^a-zA-Z0-9_]+/g. The original field name is in the global name. You can access other fields’ values via __e.<fieldName>.


To test Regex Extract Functions use Data Preview to see the events as they flow into and out of the Pipeline.

Example 1: Single Field from Simple Event

Assume a simple event that looks like this: metric1=23 metric2=42 dc=23 abc=xyz

Extract only the metric1 field:

Regex: metric1=(?<metric1>\d+) Result: metric1:"23"

Example 2: Extracting Multiple Fields

Use this sample data:

462559d4a487[471]: - - [26/Feb/2024:20:22:38 +0000] "GET /catalog/view/javascript/jquery/jquery-3.7.1.min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 87533

Use a regex to extract the fields you know are in the event.

Regex: ^(?<container_id>[^\s]+)\[(?<process_id>\d+)\]:\s+(?<remote_host>[^\s]+)\s+(?<remote_user>-)\s+(?<auth_user>-)\s+\[(?<timestamp>[^\]]+)\]\s+"(?<request_method>\w+)\s+(?<requested_url>[^\s]+)\s+(?<http_version>[^"]+)"\s+(?<status>\d+)\s+(?<bytes>.+)$


Example 2 results
Example 2 results

Example 3: Key‑Value Pairs from Multiple Fields

Use this sample data:

rec_type=71 rec_type_simple=RNA dest_port=443 snmp_out=0 netflow_src="00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000" ssl_server_cert_status="Not Checked" dest_ip= sec_intel_event=No mac_address=00:00:00:00:00:00 dest_bytes=3746 dest_autonomous_system=0 security_context=00000000000000000000000000000000 src_port=41925 web_app=Unknown url= url_reputation="Risk unknown" first_pkt_sec=1543598207 vlan_id=0 ssl_flow_error=0 ssl_actual_action=Unknown has_ipv6=1 monitor_rule_6=N/A monitor_rule_7=N/A monitor_rule_4=N/A monitor_rule_5=N/A monitor_rule_2=N/A monitor_rule_3=N/A ips_count=0 monitor_rule_1=N/A dest_tos=0 src_ip= referenced_host="" iface_ingress=DMZ3.30 monitor_rule_8=0 event_subtype=1 fw_rule_reason=N/A event_type=1003 ssl_version=Unknown dns_resp_id=0 sensor=ssg-inet-fpr-ftd-fw01 sec_zone_egress=Inside src_tos=0 client_app="SSL client" snmp_in=0 user=Unknown ssl_flow_messages=0 iface_egress=inside http_referrer="" src_pkts=0 event_desc="Flow Statistics" event_usec=0 client_version="" fw_rule_action=Allow ssl_cert_fingerprint=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 ssl_url_category=0 file_count=0 sec_zone_ingress=DMZ3 instance_id=6 src_bytes=1013 src_ip_country=unknown ssl_cipher_suite=TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL user_agent="" http_response=0 src_mask=0 dest_mask=0 sec_intel_ip=N/A netbios_domain="" tcp_flags=0 dns_rec_id=0 fw_policy="SSG INET Access Control Policy" last_pkt_sec=1543598207 legacy_ip_address= ip_proto=TCP connection_id=21378 dest_pkts=0 app_proto=HTTPS ssl_flow_status=Unknown ssl_rule_id=0 ssl_session_id=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 dns_query="" rec_type_desc="Connection Statistics" url_category=Unknown fw_rule="Outbound Web" src_autonomous_system=0 ssl_flow_flags=0 ip_layer=0 event_sec=1543598205 ssl_ticket_id=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 sinkhole_uuid=00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 dest_ip_country=unknown ssl_expected_action=Unknown num_ioc=0 dns_ttl=0 ssl_policy_id=00000000000000000000000000000000 ssl_server_name=""

Use a regex to extract all k=v pairs, then use Field Name Format Expression to append an _XX suffix to each extracted field:

Regex: (?<_NAME_0>[\w-]+)="?(?<_VALUE_0>(?<=")[^"]*|\S*) Field Name Format Expression: ${name}_XX


Example 3 results
Example 3 results

Example 4: Multi‑Stage Extraction, Complex Events

This example builds on the syntax in Example 3, to tackle a more complex event structure.

In the right Sample Data pane, click Paste and insert the following sample:

Sample Data
<134>1 2020-12-22T17:06:08Z CORP_INT_NLB CheckPoint 18160 - [action:"Accept"; conn_direction:"Internal"; flags:"4606212"; ifdir:"inbound"; ifname:"bond2.1025"; logid:"0"; loguid:"{0x5fe25889,0x0,0x80ad57cd,0xeb91c0c3}"; origin:""; originsicname:"CN=TST32-VSX0-FW-DC-01_tst302-shd,O=CORP-SEC-SHRD-CMA..t7xpcz"; sequencenum:"3"; time:"1608656768"; version:"5"; __policy_id_tag:"product=VPN-1 & FireWall-1[db_tag={15E4B45A-663B-5B49-BD59-CD9B9F21AA16};mgmt=SHRDFW01CON;date=1608236862;policy_name=TEST-SHRD-POL\]"; dst:""; log_delay:"1608656768"; layer_name:”TEST-SHRD-POL Security"; layer_uuid:"e914c2f3-d7bd-4a77-8e7a-7a5e403447aa"; match_id:"1"; parent_rule:"0"; rule_action:"Accept"; rule_uid:"001ab86d-d201-4b61-9b64-0fede1a9f059"; product:"VPN-1 & FireWall-1"; proto:"17"; s_port:"45519"; service:"123"; service_id:"ntp-udp"; src:""; ]

This event is from a CheckPoint Firewall CMA system. With this type of event structure, properly extracting each event field into a separate metadata field requires two-stage processing. So we’ll use two Regex Extract Functions.

The first Regex Function splits the event to separate the actual data from the header information. We’ll split after the CheckPoint 18160 string, by capturing everything between the [ and ]:

Regex: \[(?<__fields>.*)\] Source: _raw

Next, add this second Regex Extract Function to extract all k=v pairs:

Regex: (?<_NAME_0>[^ :]+):(?<_VALUE_0>[^;]+); Source: __fields


Example 4 results
Example 4 results

For further examples, see Using Cribl to Analyze DNS Logs in Real Time – Part 2.