
The Eval Function adds or removes fields from events. (In Splunk, these are index-time fields.)


Filter: Filter expression (JS) that selects data to feed through the Function. Defaults to true, meaning it evaluates all events.

Description: Simple description about this Function. Defaults to empty.

Final: If toggled to Yes, stops feeding data to the downstream Functions. Defaults to No.

Evaluate fields: Table of event fields to evaluate and add/set. Click Add Field to add each field as a key-value pair, in a row with the following controls:

  • Name: Enter the new (or modified) field’s name.
  • Value Expression: Enter a JavaScript expression to set the field’s value – this can be a constant. Expressions can contain nested addressing. When you insert JavaScript template literals, strings intended to be used as values must be delimited with single quotes, double quotes, or backticks. (For details, see Cribl Expression Syntax.)
  • Enabled: Toggle this off to disable evaluating individual expressions, while retaining their configuration in the table. Useful for iterative development and debugging.

Keep fields: List of fields to keep in the event after processing by this Function. Supports wildcards (*) and nested addressing. Takes precedence over Remove fields (below). To reference a parent object and all children, you must use the (*) wildcard. For example, if _raw is converted to an object then use _raw* to refer to itself and all children.

Remove fields: List of fields to remove from the event. Supports wildcards (*) and nested addressing. Cannot remove fields that match against the Keep fields list. Cribl Stream internal fields that start with __ (double underscore) cannot be removed via wildcard. Instead, you must specify them individually. For example, __myField cannot be removed by specifying __myF*.

Using Keep and Remove

A field matching an entry in both Keep (wildcard or not) and Remove will not be removed. This is useful for implementing “remove all but” functionality. For example, to keep only _time, _raw, source, sourcetype, host, we can specify them all in Keep, while specifying * in Remove.

Negated terms are supported in both Keep fields and Remove fields. The list is order-sensitive when negated terms are used. Examples:

  • !foobar, foo* means “All fields that start with ‘foo’ except foobar.”
  • !foo*, * means “All fields except for those that start with ‘foo’.”


Note that Functions use the special variable __e to access the (context) event inside JavaScript expressions.

Scenario A: Create field myField with static value of value1:

  • Name: myField
  • Value Expression: 'value1'

Scenario B: Set field action to blocked if login==error:

  • Name: action
  • Value Expression: login=='fail' ? 'blocked' : action

Scenario C: Create a multivalued field called myTags. (i.e., array):

  • Name: myTags
  • Value Expression: ['failed', 'blocked']

Scenario D: Add value error to the multivalued field myTags:

  • Name: myTags
  • Value Expression: login=='error' ? [...myTags, 'error'] : myTags

(The above expression is literal, and uses JavaScript spread syntax.)

Scenario E: Rename an identification field to the shorter ID – copying over the original field’s value, and removing the old field:

  • Name: ID
  • Value Expression: identification
  • Remove Field: identification

See Ingest-time Fields for more examples.

Usage Notes

Consider the following when working with Eval Functions.

Create Parent Objects First

Before you can use the Eval function on a new child object, you must create the parent object – then define the children using Eval Functions.

parent  =  (parent || { child1: child1Value })
parent.child2 = child2Value
parent.child3 = child3Value
<some other Evals, if you need them>
To Append:
parent =  Object.assign(parent, { child2: child2Value })
To Create a New Field:
parent2 =  Object.assign(parent, { child2: child2Value, child3: child3Value })

Execution Without Assignment

The Eval Function can execute expressions without assigning their value to the field of an event. You can do this by simply leaving the left-hand side input empty, and having the right-hand side do the assignment.

Example: Parse and Merge to Existing Field

Object.assign(foo, JSON.parse(bar), JSON.parse(baz)) on the right-hand side (and left-hand side empty) will JSON-parse the strings in bar and baz, merge them, and assign their value to foo, an already existing field.

Example: Reference Event with __e

To parse JSON, enter Object.assign(__e, JSON.parse(_raw)) on the right-hand side (and left-hand side empty). __e is a special variable that refers to the (context) event within a JS expression. In this case, content parsed from _raw is added at the top level of the event.