
Cribl Stream supports collecting data from Amazon S3 stores. This page covers how to configure the Collector.

For a step-by-step tutorial on using Cribl Stream to replay data from an S3-compatible store, see our Data Collection & Replay sandbox. The sandbox takes about 30 minutes. It provides a hosted environment, with all inputs and outputs preconfigured for you.

Also see our Amazon S3 Better Practices and Using S3 Storage and Replay guides.

How the Collector Pulls Data

When you run an S3 Collector in Discovery mode, the first available Worker returns the list of available files to the Leader Node.

In Full Run mode, the Leader distributes the list of files to process across 1..N Workers, as evenly as possible, based on file size. Each Worker then streams the files from the S3 bucket/path to itself.


Cribl Stream can ingest compressed S3 files if they meet all the following conditions:

  • Compressed with the x-gzip MIME type.
  • End with the .gz extension.
  • Can be uncompressed using the zlib.gunzip algorithm.

Storage Class Compatibility

Cribl Stream does not support data preview, collection, or replay from S3 Glacier or S3 Deep Glacier storage classes, whose stated retrieval lags (variously minutes to 48 hours) cannot guarantee data availability when the Collector needs it.

Cribl Stream does support data preview, collection, and replay from S3 Glacier Instant Retrieval when you’re using the S3 Intelligent-Tiering storage class.

Configuring an S3 Collector

From the top nav, click Manage, then select a Worker Group to configure. Next, select Data > Sources, then select Collectors > S3 from the Manage Sources page’s tiles or left nav. Click Add Collector to open the S3 > New Collector modal, which provides the following options and fields.

The sections described below are spread across several tabs. Click the tab links at left to navigate among tabs. Click Save when you’ve configured your Collector.

Collector Sources currently cannot be selected or enabled in the QuickConnect UI.

Collector Settings

The Collector Settings determine how data is collected before processing.

Collector ID: Unique ID for this Collector. For example, Attic42TreasureChest. If you clone this Collector, Cribl Stream will add -CLONE to the original Collector ID.

Auto-populate from: Select a Destination with which to auto-populate Collector settings. Useful when replaying data.

S3 bucket: Simple Storage Service bucket from which to collect data.


Use the Authentication Method drop-down to select an AWS authentication method.

The Auto option (default) will use environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, or the attached IAM role. Will work only when running on AWS.

The Manual option exposes these fields:

  • Access key: Enter your AWS access key. If not present, will fall back to the env.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID environment variable, or to the metadata endpoint for IAM role credentials. This value can be a constant or a JavaScript expression.

  • Secret key: Enter your AWS secret key. if not present, will fall back to the env.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variable, or to the metadata endpoint for IAM credentials. Optional when running on AWS. This value can be a constant or a JavaScript expression.

The Secret option swaps in this drop-down:

  • Secret key pair: Select a secret key pair that you’ve configured in Cribl Stream’s internal secrets manager or (if enabled) an external KMS. Follow the Create link if you need to configure a key pair.

The Manual option’s Access key and Secret key values override the Auto option. For any Workers that you want to associate with an AWS IAM role, using the Assume Role controls below – including Cribl-managed or hybrid Cribl.Cloud Workers – ensure that the Manual option’s key fields are empty.

Assume Role

When using Assume Role to access resources in a different region than Cribl Stream, you can target the AWS Security Token Service (STS) endpoint specific to that region by using the CRIBL_AWS_STS_REGION environment variable on your Worker Node. Setting an invalid region results in a fallback to the global STS endpoint.

Enable Assume Role: Slide to Yes to enable Assume Role behavior.

AssumeRole ARN: Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the role to assume.

External ID: External ID to use when assuming role. Enter this if defined in your IAM policy’s trust relationship; otherwise, leave blank. (Usage example: AWS Cross-Account Data Collection.)

Duration (seconds): Duration of the Assumed Role’s session, in seconds. Minimum is 900 (15 minutes). Maximum is 43200 (12 hours). Defaults to 3600 (1 hour).

Optional Settings

Region: S3 Region from which to retrieve data.

You must grant your IAM role or user the GetBucketLocation permission to the S3 bucket when no Region is selected. See Amazon S3 Permissions for an example.

Path: Path, within the bucket, from which to collect data. Templates and tokens are supported to provide flexibility and automation in defining the directory structure, allowing you to organize data efficiently based on various parameters. This value can be a constant or a JavaScript expression. More on templates and tokens here.

  • Templating allows for dynamic insertion of variables like host, year, and month. For example, /myDir/${host}/${year}/${month}/).
  • Time-based tokens enable time-specific data organization. For example, myOtherDir/${_time:%Y}/${_time:%m}/${_time:%d}/.

If this S3 Collector will be used to round-trip data through our Destination and replay it in Cribl Stream, we have a recommended Path. See the Replay Collector for details.

Path extractors: Extractors enable you to use template tokens as context for expressions that enrich discovery results. For usage details and examples, see Using Path Extractors.

Endpoint: S3 service endpoint. If empty, Cribl Stream will automatically construct the endpoint from the AWS Region. To access the AWS S3 endpoints, use the path-style URL format. You don’t need to specify the bucket name in the URL, because Cribl Stream will automatically add it to the URL path. For details, see AWS’ Path‑Style Requests topic.

Signature version: Signature version to use for signing S3 requests. Defaults to v4.

Max batch size (objects): Maximum number of metadata objects to batch before recording as results.

Recursive: If set to Yes (the default), data collection will recurse through subdirectories.

Reuse connections: Whether to reuse connections between requests. The default setting (Yes) can improve performance.

Reject unauthorized certificates: Whether to accept certificates that cannot be verified against a valid Certificate Authority, such as self-signed certificates. Defaults to Yes.

Verify bucket permissions: Toggle this to No if you can access files within the bucket, but not the bucket itself. This resolves errors of the form: discover task initialization failed...error: Forbidden.

Disable time filter: Toggle to Yes if your Run or Schedule configuration specifies a date range and no events are being collected. This will disable the Collector’s event time filtering to prevent timestamp conflicts.

Tags: Optionally, add tags that you can use to filter and group Sources in Cribl Stream’s Manage Sources page. These tags aren’t added to processed events. Use a tab or hard return between (arbitrary) tag names.

Result Settings

The Result Settings determine how Cribl Stream transforms and routes the collected data.

Custom Command

In this section, you can pass the data from this input to an external command for processing, before the data continues downstream.

Enabled: Defaults to No. Toggle to Yes to enable the custom command.

Command: Enter the command that will consume the data (via stdin) and will process its output (via stdout).

Arguments: Click Add Argument to add each argument to the command. You can drag arguments vertically to resequence them.

Event Breakers

In this section, you can apply event breaking rules to convert data streams to discrete events.

Event Breaker rulesets: A list of event breaking rulesets that will be applied, in order, to the input data stream. Defaults to System Default Rule.

Event Breaker buffer timeout: How long (in milliseconds) the Event Breaker will wait for new data to be sent to a specific channel, before flushing out the data stream, as-is, to the Routes. Minimum 10 ms, default 10000 (10 sec), maxiumum 43200000 (12 hours).


In this section, you can add Fields to each event, using Eval-like functionality.

Name: Field name.

Value: JavaScript expression to compute the field’s value (can be a constant).

Result Routing

Send to Routes: If set to Yes (the default), Cribl Stream will send events to normal routing and event processing. Toggle to No to select a specific Pipeline/Destination combination. The No setting exposes these two additional fields:

  • Pipeline: Select a Pipeline to process results.
  • Destination: Select a Destination to receive results.

The default Yes setting instead exposes this field:

  • Pre-processing Pipeline: Pipeline to process results before sending to Routes. Optional.

This field is always exposed:

  • Throttling: Rate (in bytes per second) to throttle while writing to an output. Also takes values with multiple-byte units, such as KB, MB, GB, etc. (Example: 42 MB.) Default value of 0 indicates no throttling.

You might disable Send to Routes when configuring a Collector that will connect data from a specific Source to a specific Pipeline and Destination. This keeps the Collector’s configuration self‑contained and separate from Cribl Stream’s routing table for live data – potentially simplifying the Routes structure.

Advanced Settings

Advanced Settings enable you to customize post-processing and administrative options.

Environment: If you’re using GitOps, optionally use this field to specify a single Git branch on which to enable this configuration. If empty, the config will be enabled everywhere.

Time to live: How long to keep the job’s artifacts on disk after job completion. This also affects how long a job is listed in Job Inspector. Defaults to 4h.

Remove Discover fields : List of fields to remove from the Discover results. This is useful when discovery returns sensitive fields that should not be exposed in the Jobs user interface. You can specify wildcards (such as aws*).

Resume job on boot: Toggle to Yes to resume ad hoc collection jobs if Cribl Stream restarts during the jobs’ execution.

Using Path Extractors

Click Add Extractor to add each extractor as a key-value pair, mapping a Token name on the left (a substring of the Path) to a custom JavaScript Extractor expression on the right. Example {host: value.toLowerCase()}

Each expression accesses its corresponding token through its value variable, and evaluates the token to populate event fields.

You can define each token in only one Extractor expression per S3 Collector config.

Example #1

Here is a simple, complete example, using a single expression:

TokenExtractor ExpressionMatched ValueExtracted Result
/var/log/${foobar}foobar: {program: value.split('.')[0]}/var/log/syslog.1{program: syslog, foobar: syslog.1}

Example #2

Here is a multi-expression example. Assuming that your S3 bucket path supports the Collector’s configured Path, this shows how to extract each segment of this example Path, and transform it into a reformatted field:

First, the path:


Next, the tokens and extractor expressions:

TokenExtractor ExpressionPurpose
index{"indexUppercase" : value.toUpperCase()}Uppercase the index
host{"hostUpperPrefix" : value.toUpperCase().replace(/(.+?)\..+/,'$1'), "domain" : value.match(/.+?\.(.+)/)[1]}Use one token for two fields: hostUpperPrefix and domain
category{"categoryUpperFirstLetter" : `${value.substring(0,1).toUpperCase()}${value.substring(1)}`}Uppercase the category string’s first letter
file{"fileCleanName" : value.replace(/ARCHIVE-/i,'').toUpperCase().split('.')[0], "CRIBL_WORKER_ID" : value.split('.')[1], "compression" : value.split('.')[2]}Split the object (file name) into three fields

Here is a corresponding example event, as collected/replayed from S3. The metadata fields at the bottom show the results of the path extractor expressions:

Event with path extractors’ transformations
Event with path extractors’ transformations

Temporary Access via SSO Provider

You can use Okta or SAML to provide access to S3 buckets using temporary security credentials.


When permissions are correct on the object store, and events are reaching the Collector, the Preview pane will show events and the Job Inspector will show an Events collected count.

However, if previewing returns no events and throws no error, first check your Filter expression by previewing without it by simplifying the Filter expression to true. Then check the Job Inspector: If the Total size is greater than 0, and the Received size is NA or 0, make sure you have list and read permissions on the object store.

If you’re still not seeing events, try setting your S3 Collector’s Path expression to a /.

Encrypted Data

To collect encrypted data, such as CloudTrail logs, you’ll need to add access to the KMS resources in your KMS Key Policy. Add the IAM user or role to the Principal section of your Key Policy and provide the kms:Decrypt Action. See Amazon’s documentation on Key Policies for more information, including how to view and change your policy.

Proxying Requests

If you need to proxy HTTP/S requests, see System Proxy Configuration.

Internal Fields

Cribl Stream uses a set of internal fields to assist in data handling. These “meta” fields are not part of an event, but they are accessible, and you can use them in Functions to make processing decisions.

Relevant fields for this Collector:

  • __collectible – This object’s nested fields contain metadata about each collection job.