v.4.5 Release

2024-02-14 - Cribl Search 4.5 | GA Release

Starting with Cribl Search 4.5, you can explore data from a variety of new sources, send email notifications, create more powerful visualizations, and more.

Generic HTTP API Dataset Provider

You can now quickly configure Cribl Search to explore data coming from any HTTP API, by setting up generic HTTP API data providers and Datasets.

Explore Azure Data Explorer Logs

You can now search Azure Data Explorer logs, by setting up Azure Data Explorer data providers and Datasets.

Explore Cribl Edge Disk Spool Data

You can now search data that has been spooled with Cribl Edge’s Disk Spool Destination. For this, use the new built-in cribl_edge_spool Dataset.

Send Email Notifications

You can now send email notifications, by creating an email notification target and configuring notifications for a scheduled search.

Generate Metadata

Although you can point Cribl Search at any source and start searching immediately, now you can also choose to improve search performance by analyzing selected portions of your data beforehand. For this, use the new .generate metadata command, along with the two new virtual tables: $vt_object_list and $vt_object_list_summary.

Automatically Reuse Previous Search Results

When writing a query, you can now use a new optional set statement: allow_previous_results. This allows Cribl Search to automatically reuse the results of analogous searches run recently in your organization, which may reduce costs and improve performance.

Visualize Results in a Trellis Chart

The Area, Bar, and Line charts now support the Trellis view, which enables you to divide the chart into subsets of data based on fields in your search.

Rotate Data, Using the New pivot Operator

You can now turn field values into field names, using the new pivot operator.

Force a Query to Render Its Results as Events

You can now force your search to render its results as a list of events rather than a chart. For that, add | render event at the end of your query.