
The join operator merges events from two different data scopes.

You can merge data coming from different datasets and dataset providers, and then process the output for further analysis.


Using a let statement:

let RightScopeName = RightScope;

  | join [ JoinOptions ] RightScopeName on JoinConditions

Using an inline subquery:

  | join [ JoinOptions ] (
    on JoinConditions


  • RightScopeName: The name for the RightScope. Spaces ( ) are not allowed.
  • RightScope: The data on the right-hand side of the join operation. Needs to be assigned a name, using the let statement. Can be a single value, an expression, or an entire query, for example: dataset="cribl_internal_logs" | limit 1000.
  • LeftScope: The data on the left-hand side of the join operation. Can be a single value, an expression, or an entire query.
  • JoinOptions: The join operation’s optional settings. Syntax: option1=value1[, option2=value2, ...]. The following options are available:
    • kind=String: The type of join to perform. Can be inner, leftouter, or leftanti. Default: inner.
    • overwrite=Bool: Applies to fields with the same name. If true, the RightScope fields overwrite their LeftScope namesakes. If false, both LeftScope and RightScope namesakes are preserved. Default: false.
    • caseInsensitive=Bool: If true, the join operation is case-insensitive. Default: false.
    • doNotMerge: If true, the events are not merged. Instead, the join operation works only as a filter. Default: false.
  • JoinConditions: The conditions on which the events are merged. Separate multiple conditions with a comma (,). Use the following syntax:
    • FieldName, if the fields you want to match have the same name in both datasets.
    • $left.LeftFieldName == $right.RightFieldName, if you want to match fields that have different names.


The RightScope must:

The join operation includes the first 50,000 events of the RightScope. The remaining events are ignored.

Types of Joins

By default, Cribl Search performs the so-called inner join, which returns the following:

ScopeWhat’s included in the output
LeftScopeEvents that match the join conditions, including the matching keys
RightScopeEvents that match the join conditions, including the matching keys

To perform the so-called leftouter join, use the kind=leftouter setting, which returns the following:

ScopeWhat’s included in the output
LeftScopeAll events
RightScopeEvents that match the join conditions, including the matching keys

To perform the so-called leftanti join, use the kind=leftanti setting, which returns the following:

ScopeWhat’s included in the output
LeftScopeEvents that don’t match the join conditions
RightScopeNo events


Join two scopes of data, using an inline subquery:

 | join (
    // inline subquery
    search in(blacklistIps) hostIp
) on $left.srcaddr == $right.hostIp

Join two scopes of data, based on a single namesake field (commonField). Returns only those LeftScope events that have the commonField. Those events are also enriched with the commonField fields from the RightScope.

let RightScope = dataset="myDataset1"
                  | where x < 10;

dataset="myDataset2" // LeftScope
| join RightScope on commonField

Join two scopes of data, based on multiple namesake fields. Returns only those LeftScope events that have the commonField1 and commonField2 fields. Those events are also enriched with the commonField1 and commonField2 fields from the RightScope.

let RightScope = dataset="myDataset1"
                  | where x < 10;

dataset="myDataset2" // LeftScope
| join kind=inner RightScope on commonField1, commonField2

Join two scopes of data, based on fields with different names. Returns only those bills events that have the name field. Additionally, those events are enriched with their lastName counterparts from the employees dataset.

let RightScope = dataset=employees;

| join RightScope on $ == $right.lastName

Join two scopes of data, based on fields with different names. Returns only those LeftScope events that have the a1 and b1 fields. Additionally, those events are enriched with their b1 and b2 counterparts from the RightScope.

let RightScope = dataset="myDataset1"
                  | where x < 10;

dataset="myDataset2" // LeftScope
| join kind=inner RightScope on $left.a1 == $right.b1, $left.a2 == $right.b2

Perform two joins in a single search. Returns only those trafficData events that have the targetIP and hostname fields. Additionally, those events are enriched with their destinationIP and hostname counterparts.

let sourceOne = search in(vpcflowlogs) *
                | summarize c=count() by destinationIP
                | top 10 by c;

let sourceTwo = search in(hostlist) *
                | where host.status == 'blacklisted';

search in(trafficData) *
| join sourceOne on $left.targetIP == $right.destinationIP
| join sourceTwo on $left.hostname == $right.hostname;

Perform a join with the overwrite option set to true. Returns only those LeftScope events that have the name field, but the RightScope name values overwrite the LeftScope name values.

let RightScope = search in(myDataset1) 'foo'
                  | count;

search in (myDataset2) x < y // LeftScope
| join overwrite=true RightScope on name

Perform a left outer join. Returns all events from the bills dataset. Additionally, those bills events that have the name field are enriched with the lastName field.

let RightScope = dataset=employees;

dataset=bills // LeftScope
| where isnull(lastName)
| join kind=leftouter RightScope on $ == $right.lastName
let codeMap = dataset=$vt_dummy event < 4 | extend x =
   case(event == 0, dynamic({"status": 200, "text": 'OK'}),
        event == 1, dynamic({"status": 308, "text": 'Redirect'}),
        event == 2, dynamic({"status": 404, "text": 'Not found'}),
                    dynamic({"status": 500, "text": 'Internal Error'}))
| project status=x.status, statusText=x.text;
dataset="cribl_int*" method status | where isnotnull(status) | join codeMap on status | distinct method, status, statusText;
Run in Cribl Search
Last updated by: Dritan Bitincka