Supported Data Formats

You can search data in most of the commonly used formats, including text files, binary files, archives, compressed files, and more.

This page lists the most common data formats you’ll encounter, and how Cribl Search processes them.

Data Format ExampleFile Extension Examples
Gzip.gz .gzip .tgz .tar.gz application/x-gzip
Journal.journal .journal~
Parquet.parquet .pqt .parq
Splunk rawdata
Tar.tar .tgz .tar.gz
Text.log .csv .json .ndjson .txt

Text Data Formats

Text files contain human-readable data. They’re often used to store logs, but can also contain structured data, in formats such as JSON or CSV.

You can search text files in most of the commonly used formats, including .log, .json, .ndjson, csv, and more.

Binary Data Formats

Binary files are non-human-readable files that use formats optimized for storage and processing efficiency. They’re often used to store structured data, such as Parquet files, or system and application events, such as journals.

When you search files in formats that Cribl Search can’t recognize, they’re processed as binary files.


Journals are binary files used for logging and storing system and application events.

You can search both .journal and temporary .journal~ files, which are helpful when investigating unexpected process failures.


Parquet binary files are columnar storage format files that support nested data structures. This makes them an ideal choice for big data analytics.

You can search Parquet files with the .parquet, .pqt, and .parq extensions.

Using Parquet Time Fields

When processing Parquet files, by default, the Cribl Search _time field is assigned the value of now. You can instead use a time field of the event, by assigning its value to _time:

  1. Create or open a Datatype by navigating to Settings > Datatypes.
  2. Click Add rule.
  3. At the bottom, in the Add fields to events section, click Add field.
  4. Assign the Name as _time and its Value expression to the time field in the event. For example, _time = time.
  5. Save the Datatype changes.
  6. Navigate to the dataset that specifies your Parquet data and open the Processing section.
  7. Assign the Datatype to the dataset and save your changes.

Now, when searching your Parquet dataset, the time from the event will be used as the reference for the search’s time range.

Example: Amazon Security Lake

Amazon Security Lake logs data into Parquet format following the schema defined by OCSF. The time is assigned to the field time and is an epoch time expressed in milliseconds.

To use this field, you need to set its value to the Cribl Search field _time. Since Cribl Search uses seconds instead of milliseconds, you also need to convert it by dividing by 1,000. In this case, the field you’d add to a Datatype would be: _time = time/1000.

Compression Data Formats

Compression formats are used to reduce the size of data to optimize storage space and speed up data transmission.

You can search files compressed with a wide range of algorithms, including LZ4, zstd, gzip, Snappy, and more.


LZ4 is a popular compression format that offers multiple compression levels and a good balance between compression ratio and speed.


Zstandard, also known as zstd, is an open-source compression format developed at Facebook. It’s often used in scenarios where high compression speeds are critical.

Splunk Rawdata

Splunk’s compressed rawdata files store event data ingested by indexers. They also contain related journal information.


A popular compression format, gzip is often used to compress log files.

In Cribl Search, you can search both .gz and .gzip files.


Snappy, previously known as Zippy, is an open-source compression format developed at Google, popular for its high compression speeds.

In Cribl Search, you can search .snappy files.

Archive Data Formats

Archive formats are used to package multiple files together into a single file.

You can search archives in most of the commonly used formats, including tar, ZIP, and more.


The tar (tape archive) file format is used by the UNIX-based utility tar to package files together into sets known as “tarballs”.


ZIP is a popular archive format that supports lossless data compression. .zip files can contain compressed or non-compressed data, and can use different compression levels.

Searching Tarballs and ZIP Archives

When searching tarballs or ZIP archives, you can specify which of the archive’s files you want to search.

When processing files with .tar, .tgz, .tar.gz, or .zip extensions, Cribl Search processes all files inside the archive and adds a field named cribl_archive_source to each file’s events. The value of cribl_archive_source is the name of the file inside the archive.

For example, let’s say an archive named archive.tgz contains files dir1/file1.log and dir2/file2.log. An event from dir1/file1.log returned from a search would look like this:

source: archive.tgz
cribl_archive_source: dir1/file1.log

Now, to search a specific file inside the archive.tgz archive, you can refer to the cribl_archive_source field in your query. For example: cribl_archive_source=dir1/file1.log.

Last updated by: Dritan Bitincka