Amazon Security Lake Integration

Cribl Edge supports sending data to Amazon Security Lake as Parquet files that adhere to the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF). The diagram below illustrates the all-AWS variant of this architecture.

Integrating Cribl Edge with Amazon Security Lake
Integrating Cribl Edge with Amazon Security Lake

This guide walks you through an example where Cribl Edge, running in Cribl.Cloud, sends Palo Alto Networks logs to Amazon Security Lake. The workflow starts with a Cribl Edge Syslog Source, which ingests the Palo Alto data and routes it to a Cribl Edge Amazon Security Lake Destination, which then writes Parquet files to Amazon Security Lake. These Parquet files organize the data according to the OCSF schema for the appropriate OCSF Event Class, in this case Network Activity [4001].

You can work with other data sources besides Palo Alto Networks, and other OCSF Event Classes besides Network Activity [4001]. See Going Beyond This Example below.

If you want to use Amazon Security Lake with a Cribl Edge instance deployed on-prem or in your private cloud, the setup procedures will differ from those documented here. Please contact Cribl via the #packs channel of Cribl Community Slack.

Setting Up Amazon Security Lake

Complete the Amazon Security Lake Getting Started instructions, paying particular attention to the following actions:

  1. Enable Amazon Security Lake for your AWS account.
  2. Define the collection objective and target objective.
  3. Select the regions where you want to create S3 buckets to store the data in OCSF format.

Note your Amazon Security Lake S3 bucket name for use later in the setup process.

Setting Up Cribl Edge

Complete the procedures in this section before doing anything else in Cribl Edge.

First, find and note the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) that enables AWS to locate your Cribl Edge instance.

  1. Log in to Cribl.Cloud to open the Portal Page.
  2. In the top nav, click Network Settings and open the Trust tab.
  3. Click the copy icon next to the Worker ARN, and paste the ARN into a local text editor.
  4. Copy the 12-digit number in the middle of the ARN. This is the AWS Account ID you’ll need later in the setup process.

For example:

  • If your ARN is arn:aws:iam::222233334444:role/main-default, then …
  • Your AWS Account ID will be 222233334444.

Next, install the Cribl Pack that Cribl Edge will use to send data to Amazon Security Lake in the required OCSF format. (As the reference shows, the Palo Alto Networks data chosen for this example requires the OCSF Post Processor Pack.)

  1. In the top nav, click Cribl.Cloud to return to the Portal Page.
  2. Click Manage Stream or Manage Edge to open the Fleets page.
  3. Click the name of the Fleet whose Edge Nodes you want to send data to Amazon Security Lake. (For this example, we’ll use the default Fleet.) This takes you to the Manage > Overview page.
  4. Navigate to Processing > Packs and click Add Pack. From the drop-down, select Import from Git to open the Import modal.
  5. For the URL, enter:
  6. For the New Pack ID, enter:
  7. Click Import to close the modal. Cribl Edge will take a little time to finish importing the Pack.

At the bottom of the list of Packs, you should now see your newly imported Pack, listed with the display name of OCSF Post Processor.

Finally, you will need the Parquet schema that supports the OCSF Event Class you’re working with. In this example, that’s OCSF Event Class 4001, so as shown in the reference below, you’ll need the OCSF 4001 Network Activity Parquet schema.

  • First, download the Parquet schema from this GitHub repo.
  • Then, upload the schema to the Cribl Edge Parquet schema library as described here.

Once this is done, the Parquet schema you need should be available when you configure the Parquet Settings for your Cribl Edge Amazon Security Lake Destination.

Please post any questions you have about these procedures to the #packs channel of Cribl Community Slack.

Creating an Amazon Security Lake Custom Source

Because Cribl is not a native Amazon service, you’ll configure what Amazon calls a Security Lake custom source, and the Cribl Edge Amazon Security Lake Destination will write to that.

Before you begin:

  1. Have your Cribl.Cloud AWS account ID, which you identified earlier, handy.
  2. Ensure that you have permissions in AWS Lake Formation to create AWS Glue databases and tables. For more information, see Granting and revoking permissions using the named resource method in the AWS docs.

Then complete the instructions here in the AWS docs. These docs will take you through the Create custom data source template show below.

Creating an Amazon Security Lake custom source
Creating an Amazon Security Lake custom source

Once the custom source has been created, still in AWS, navigate to Security Lake > Custom sources and you should see your new custom source in the list.

Now locate the Provider role ARN. This is the ARN that Cribl Edge will use to declare its role to AWS.

  1. Click the copy icon next to the Provider role ARN to add it to your clipboard. Keep the ARN handy for use later in the setup process.
  2. Navigate to the Identity and Access Management (IAM) screen.
  3. From the left menu, select Access management > Roles.
  4. In the Roles search box, paste the part of the ARN that begins AmazonSecurityLake and ends with the region.
  5. When the role name appears below, click the link.
  6. In the Trust relationships tab, view the ExternalId element in the JSON object that appears there.

This is the External ID for the trust relationship, which you created when went through the template. You will need this ID later in the setup process.

Creating a Cribl Amazon Security Lake Destination

Back in Cribl Edge, create a new Amazon Security Lake Destination in the Routing UI as described in the Destination topic. In the New Destination modal, configure the settings specified below. For all settings not mentioned in the following notes, you can keep the defaults.

General Settings

S3 Bucket name: The S3 bucket name you noted when setting Up Amazon Security Lake.

Region: Select the region where the S3 bucket is located.

Optional Settings

File name prefix expression: Keep the default (CriblOut) if it satisfies your requirements; otherwise, edit to suit your needs.


Authentication method must be set to Auto (the default).

Assume Role

Cribl strongly recommends using the Auto authentication method in conjunction with the Assume Role settings as described below. Both Cribl and Amazon discourage the use of other approaches.

When using Assume Role to access resources in a different region than Cribl Stream, you can target the AWS Security Token Service (STS) endpoint specific to that region by using the CRIBL_AWS_STS_REGION environment variable on your Edge Node. Setting an invalid region results in a fallback to the global STS endpoint.

AssumeRole ARN: This is the Provider role ARN you copied after creating your custom source in Amazon Security Lake.

External ID: Enter the ID that you specified when creating your Amazon Security Lake custom source.

Processing Settings


Pipeline: From the drop-down, select the Pack you installed earlier:

PACK Cribl-OCSF_Post_Processor (OCSF Post Processor)

System fields: Remove any fields specified here.

Parquet Settings

Parquet schema: From the drop-down select OCSF 4001 Network Activity, since OCSF Event Class 4001 describes the events coming from Palo Alto Networks in this example.

At this point, you can click Save; the defaults for Advanced Settings should work fine for this example. Then, Commit and Deploy.

You must create one Cribl Edge Amazon Security Lake Destination for each unique pairing of a data source with an OCSF Event Class.

  • In this example, we’re ingesting Palo Alto Networks Threat and Traffic data, which requires the OCSF Network Activity [4001] Event Class. That’s one pairing.
  • If you also wanted to ingest CrowdStrike Network Activity data, that would be a new data source paired with the same OCSF Event Class –  such as, that would be a second unique pairing. You would need to create a separate Cribl Edge Amazon Security Lake Destination for that pairing.

The reference below shows all the possible pairings of data sources and OCSF Event Classes.

Connecting a Cribl Source to the S3 Destination

We’ll now configure a Cribl Edge Syslog Source to ingest Palo Alto Networks system logs, using the QuickConnect UI. (The reference below shows what Cribl Edge Source to use for each supported data source.)

Navigate to QuickConnect as described here. After clicking the Syslog Source tile, click Select Existing, then click the pre-configured in_syslog Source. When prompted to Switch in_syslog to send to QuickConnect instead of Routes?, click Yes.

Click + and drag the connection line to the S3 Destination you created above.

The connection between the Syslog Source and the S3 Destination should now be enabled.

Commit and Deploy the changes.

Sending Data to Amazon Security Lake

Return to your AWS Console. You should see Parquet files landing in the S3 bucket. These files should contain the Palo Alto Networks syslog data you sent through Cribl Edge.

Troubleshooting and Testing

Good things to double-check:

  • Are you sending the events to your Amazon Security Lake in Parquet format?
  • Are your permissions set properly for your IAM role to write to the S3 bucket?

If the answer to either question is “No,” your data will not make it into Amazon Security Lake.

To send sample events from the GitHub repo, using netcat:

  1. Download the oYLbFU.json sample file.
  2. Run the following command, replacing <cribl_org_id> with your Cribl.Cloud Organization ID:
cat oYLbFU.json | nc default.main.<cribl_org_id> 10070

With a Cribl.Cloud Enterprise plan, generalize the above URL’s default.main substring to <group-name>.main when sending to other Fleets.

Going Beyond This Example

If you want to send data from sources other than Palo Alto Networks, you can adapt the above instructions to use the appropriate Source and Pack (and/or modifications to the OCSF Post Processor Pack) in Cribl Edge. This holds true as long as the OCSF Event Classes you want to work with are among those supported by Cribl Edge. For each unique pairing of a data source with an OCSF Event Class, you’ll need to create a separate Amazon Security Lake Destination.

In the next section is a list of the supported data sources, what OCSF Event Classes they handle, and what Packs and Parquet schemas you need to work with them.

Reference: Supported Data Sources

Data SourceOCSF Event Classes HandledCribl SourceCribl Pack Display NameParquet Schema(s)
Azure Audit Logs3002, 3004REST Collector against Microsoft Graph APIAzure Audit Logs to OCSFOCSF 3002 Authentication

OCSF 3004 Entity Management
Azure NSG Flow Logs4001Azure Blob Storage Source, run as scheduled jobs, not as a Pull SourceAzure NSG Flow LogsOCSF 4001 Network Activity
Cisco ASA4001SyslogCisco ASAOCSF 4001 Network Activity
Cisco FTD4001SyslogCisco FTDOCSF 4001 Network Activity
CrowdStrike Account Change3001CrowdStrike FDRCrowdstrike FDR PackOCSF 3001 Account Change
CrowdStrike Authentication3002CrowdStrike FDRCrowdstrike FDR PackOCSF 3002 Authentication
CrowdStrike Network Activity4001CrowdStrike FDRCrowdstrike FDR PackOCSF 4001 Network Activity
GCP Audit Logs Account Activity3001Google Cloud Pub/SubGoogle Cloud Audit LogsOCSF 3001 Account Change
Palo Alto Networks (PAN) Threat and Traffic4001SyslogOCSF Post Processor PackOCSF 4001 Network Activity
SentinelOne1001, 2001, 3002, 4001Amazon S3SentinelOne Cloud FunnelOCSF 1001 File System Activity

OCSF 2001 Security Finding

OCSF 3002 Authentication

OCSF 4001 Network Activity
Windows Logon Activity3002Splunk TCPSplunk Forwarder Windows Classic Events to OCSFOCSF 3002 Authentication
ZScaler Firewall and Weblogs4001SyslogOCSF Post Processor PackOCSF 4001 Network Activity