
The Exec Source enables you to periodically execute a command and collect its stdout output. This is typically used in cases when Cribl Edge cannot accomplish collection with native Collectors or other Sources.

Available in Cribl.Cloud: No | Type: System | TLS Support: N/A | Event Breaker Support: Yes

This Source allows you to run almost anything on the host system. Make sure you understand the security and other impacts of commands you plan to execute, before proceeding.

Especially for monitoring or polling, you’ll need to receive the command or script’s output periodically. For this reason, the Exec Source lets you specify when the command or script should run, by time interval or by cron-style schedule.

Here are a few examples of what you can run from an Exec Source:

  • Database queries.
  • Custom commands to poll databases or apps.
  • ping to check latency.
  • ps -ax to get a list of running processes.
  • SNMP GET requests to query an SNMP agent about network entities.
  • netstat -natp to get lists of sockets and TCP ports, and what they’re doing.
  • mtr -c 1 --report --json to run a traceroute on a location (here,, and packaging up a report in JSON format.

Configuring an Exec Source

From the top nav, click Manage, then select a Fleet to configure. Next, you have two options:

To configure via the graphical QuickConnect UI, click Routing > QuickConnect (Stream) or Collect (Edge). Next, click Add Source at left. From the resulting drawer’s tiles, select [System and Internal >] Exec. Next, click either Add Destination or (if displayed) Select Existing. The resulting drawer will provide the options below.

Or, to configure via the Routing UI, click Data > Sources (Stream) or More > Sources (Edge). From the resulting page’s tiles or left nav, select [System and Internal >] Exec. Next, click New Source to open a New Source modal that provides the options below.

General Settings

Enabled: Defaults to Yes.

Input ID: Enter a unique name to identify this Exec Source definition. If you clone this Source, Cribl Edge will add -CLONE to the original Input ID.

Command: Command to execute; supports Bourne shell syntax.

Schedule type: Use the buttons to select either Interval or Cron. Customize the behavior in the corresponding field below the button.

  • Interval: Specify how often, in seconds, the command should run. Defaults to 60.

  • Schedule: Enter a cron expression. (You enter the cron expression in UTC time, but the resulting Estimated Schedule displays in local time.)

Optional Settings

Max retries: Maximum number of retry attempts in the event that the command fails.

Tags: Optionally, add tags that you can use to filter and group Sources in Cribl Edge’s Manage Sources page. These tags aren’t added to processed events. Use a tab or hard return between (arbitrary) tag names.

Processing Settings

Event Breakers

Event Breaker rulesets: A list of event breaking rulesets that will be applied to the input data stream before the data is sent through the Routes. Defaults to System Default Rule.

Event Breaker buffer timeout: How long (in milliseconds) the Event Breaker will wait for new data to be sent to a specific channel, before flushing out the data stream, as-is, to the Routes. Minimum 10 ms, default 10000 (10 sec), maxiumum 43200000 (12 hours).


In this section, you can add Fields to each event, using Eval-like functionality.

Name: Field name.

Value: JavaScript expression to compute field’s value, enclosed in quotes or backticks. (Can evaluate to a constant.)


In this section’s Pipeline drop-down list, you can select a single existing Pipeline to process data from this input before the data is sent through the Routes.

Advanced Settings

Environment: If you’re using GitOps, optionally use this field to specify a single Git branch on which to enable this configuration. If empty, the config will be enabled everywhere.

Connected Destinations

Select Send to Routes to enable conditional routing, filtering, and cloning of this Source’s data via the Routing table.

Select QuickConnect to send this Source’s data to one or more Destinations via independent, direct connections.

Internal Fields

Cribl Edge uses internal fields to assist in forwarding data to a Destination.

You can find the following event fields on the Live Data tab of the selected Exec Source, including the hostname and source of the event:

  • _raw
  • _time
  • cribl_breaker
  • host
  • source
Event fields
Event fields


If a command isn’t running as expected, the Logs tab can help you identify issues by displaying the command executed, its elapsed time, and its exit code.

Event fields
Event fields