Enabling Start on Boot

Cribl Edge ships with a CLI utility that can update your system’s configuration to start Edge at system boot time. The basic format to invoke this utility is:

[sudo] $CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl boot-start [enable|disable] [options] [args]

You must run this command as root, or with sudo. For options and arguments, see the CLI Reference.

The script will create a user named cribl to install, own, and run Cribl Edge/Stream.

Most, if not all, popular Linux distributions use systemd now to start processes at boot, while older or more obscure distributions may still use initd. Verify with your Linux distribution vendor if you aren’t sure which method your systems use in order to know which procedure listed below to follow.

Using systemd

To enable Cribl Edge to start at boot time with systemd, you must run the boot‑start command. Make sure you first create any user you want to specify to run Edge. E.g., to run Edge on boot as existing user cribl, you’d use:

sudo $CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl boot-start enable -m systemd -u cribl

This will install a unit file (as shown below) named cribl-edge.service, and will start Cribl Edge at boot time as user cribl. A ‑configDir option can be used to specify where to install the unit file. If not specified, this location defaults to /etc/systemd/system/.

If necessary, change ownership for the Cribl Edge installation:

[sudo] chown -R cribl $CRIBL_HOME

Next, use the enable command to ensure that the service starts on system boot:

[sudo] systemctl enable cribl-edge

To disable starting at boot time, run the following command:

sudo $CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl boot-start disable

Other available systemctl commands are:

systemctl [start|stop|restart|status] cribl-edge

Note the file’s default 65536 hard limit on maximum open file descriptors (known as a ulimit). The minimum recommended value is 65536. Linux tracks this per user account. You can view the current soft ulimit for max open file descriptors with $ ulimit -n while logged in as the same user running the cribl binary.

Installed systemd File
Description=Systemd service file for Cribl Edge.

ExecStart=/install/path/to/cribl/bin/cribl start
ExecStop=/install/path/to/cribl/bin/cribl stop
ExecReload=/install/path/to/cribl/bin/cribl reload


Persisting Overrides

By default, disabling and re-enabling boot start will regenerate the cribl-edge.service file. To persist any overrides – such as proxy or privileged port usage – use this command:

systemctl edit cribl-edge

This opens a text editor that prompts you to enter overrides, then saves them to a persistent file at:


Do NOT Run Cribl Edge as Root!

To listen on low ports 1-1024, Cribl Edge needs privileged access. You can enable this on systemd by adding this configuration key to your override.conf file:


If you want to add extra capabilities, such as reading certain resources (e.g., /var/log/*), add CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH in a space-separated format as follows:


Alternatively, you can use ACLs to Allow Cribl Edge to Read Files.

For details, see Running Edge as an Unprivileged User.

Using initd

To enable Cribl Edge to start at boot time with initd, you must run the boot‑start command. If the user that you want to run Cribl Edge does not exist, create that user prior to executing. E.g., running Edge as user cribl on boot:

sudo $CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl boot-start enable -m initd -u cribl

This will install an init.d script in /etc/init.d/cribl.init.d, and will start Cribl Edge at boot time as user cribl. A ‑configDir option can be used to specify where to install the script. If not specified, this location defaults to /etc/init.d.

If necessary, change ownership for the Cribl Edge installation:

[sudo] chown -R cribl $CRIBL_HOME

To disable starting at boot time, run the following command:

sudo $CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl boot-start disable

To control Cribl Edge, you can use the following initd commands:

service cribl-edge [start|stop|restart|status]

Persisting Overrides on initd

Notes on preserving required permissions across restarts and upgrades:

To read file resources on a Linux system that are typically restricted to the root user, you can add the CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH capability. For example: 

On some OS versions (such as CentOS), you must add an -i switch to the setcap command. For example:  # setcap -i cap_dac_read_search=+ep $CRIBL_HOME/bin/cribl

Important: Upgrading Edge will remove the CAP_DAC_READ_SEARCH capability from the cribl executable, so you’ll need to re‑run the appropriate setcap command after each upgrade.